Management control and audit of the human resources function in a company in Mayor Otaño in 2023
Audit, Management Control, Human Resources, FunctionAbstract
This work determines the management control and audit of the human resources function in a company xx during the year 2023. The study arises due to the high employee turnover, suggesting that this problem originates from weaknesses in human resources management that do not guarantee staff satisfaction. The objective is to identify and correct these errors to improve employee retention and satisfaction, thus promoting the growth and continuous improvement of the company. The investigation sought to determine the appropriate methodology for preliminary and specific planning in special examinations, through an audit program that allows the activity to be carried out in the scheduled time. A field investigation was carried out with a non-experimental and quantitative descriptive approach, without manipulation of variables, using a random selection of 30 employees, of which 15 completed a survey. The findings showed low job satisfaction and high staff turnover. Although the general guidelines offer detailed guidance for auditing human resource management, it requires a comprehensive audit to improve job satisfaction, reduce employee turnover, and optimize the company's operational efficiency.
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