Applicability of the labor regulation in force to the contact center business in Paraguay – 2020
Contact Center, Regulations, International Experience, State ProtectionAbstract
The purpose of this research work was to analyze the current regulations in the labor jurisdiction applied to the contact center category, describing the requirements of the contact center category in what it does to the labor environment, in order to somehow elucidate whether in Paraguay It has a legal regulation that supports and provides legal support to this industry. Being a relatively new field of study and Paraguay an actor that has been venturing into the sector after other countries in the region, it was considered convenient to carry out a review of the international experience regarding its way of regulating work in contact centers and obtain from them a broader vision of what should or should not be legislated, of what is or is not the responsibility of the State to protect. In this sense, it was noticed that, although the growing industry has its most impressive effects in countries like Spain, in Latin America it has become a very attractive economic option both as a source of foreign exchange income and job creation. for developing or underdeveloped countries such as Paraguay, as well as an interesting availability of low-cost labor for client countries or service contracting countries. The study was carried out based on the companies dedicated to the contact center or call center in the modality of outsourcing or subcontracting their services, although the existence of other coexisting work modalities in the business is recognized. Considering that the sector has its own characteristics that generate unique requirements, the legal framework in which they are contained was outlined, observing both what exists in Paraguay and in other reference countries in the region.
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