Gamification as a Tax Education strategy for children in the portal of the Tax Undersecre- tary of State (set) by 2022




Gamification, playful, tax education, educational games, tax administration


The learning strategy lies not only in facts or concepts, but also in the creation of an environment that encourages students to build their knowledge and elaborate their own meaning, where the teacher can lead the student progres- sively towards higher levels. independence and ability to learn. Therefore, considering the aforementioned, the need arises to present a tax education program focused on didactic game modules, implemented for the SET portal, and thus the tax administration in this way can provide society with information about taxes. in a different way, where it is established that said taxes are made to satisfy the needs of the goods and services necessary for society in general. The focus of the work was qualitative because a praxis can be carried out whose goal is the transformation of existence and not only educational change, since it will allow improving experiences in terms of learning and change of perception reflected in the fiscal values that are develop in early childhood. The author concludes with the third objective, which consists of the design of the tax education didactic games module, due to the fact that currently the SET portal has not implemented tax education sections based on playful activities, therefore, it is considered a tool that guarantees wisdom and in turn is framed under electronic government. The main idea is that a set of classified games be made depending on the age of the child and adolescent that allows them to be in accordance with their cognitive levels, in some cases including video games with an advanced development that allows them to overcome levels in the game, It is even possible to propose a metaverse where the citizens who participate in it can perceive the different realities that are generated from real actions.


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How to Cite

Riveros Castiñeira, E. C. (2022). Gamification as a Tax Education strategy for children in the portal of the Tax Undersecre- tary of State (set) by 2022. Revista De Ciencias Empresariales, Tributarias, Comerciales Y Administrativas, 1(2), 115–140.



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