The survey as an instrument for data collection, reliability and validity in scientific research
instrument, methodology, typesAbstract
The survey in scientific research is defined as a technique that employs a set of standardized procedures to collect and analyze data from a representative sample of a population. The aim of the research was to describe types of surveys applied to scientific research. For this purpose, a qualitative, descriptive literature review methodology was used, reviewing 30 scientific articles on the subject in question. The main finding of this article highlights the evolution of the survey as a crucial technique in social research, extending beyond scientific boundaries to become a comprehensive tool in various disciplines. The importance of the questionnaire is emphasized as the core of the survey, functioning not only as a set of questions but as a meticulous instrument for measuring a specific reality from a quantitative perspective. Furthermore, the fundamental role of the survey in strategic decision-making for contemporary organizations is underscored, demonstrating its capacity to obtain and process data quickly and efficiently. The work also raises the need to carefully consider the choice between different survey designs and methods, evaluating their advantages and limitations based on the specific objectives of the research.
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