Advances of Paraguay in the commitment assumed by Law 6657/2020 in the Framework of International Fiscal Transparency
International taxation, Exchange of information, cooperation, SETAbstract
All jurisdictions must sign and ratify the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters." The objective is to present through an analysis the challenges that the national government must meet to evolve in the field of international taxation, considering the exchange of information, as the main element for validation and verification, in addition to being seen as a cooperating country, It should be noted that until the entry into force of regulation 6657/2020, this definition was not envisaged for the other countries. It is concluded that the political commitment of the declaration is framed in implementing peer review information exchange standards in addition to contributing to the financing and work of the global forum, the strengthening of the operational and organizational legal framework to guarantee the availability and access to relevant information in addition to the establishment of an information exchange network which is in a process of adaptation and adaptability to each of the countries of the region, it is planned to help the countries to establish and or improve the necessary infrastructure to benefit the effective capacities in the exchange of information to improve the mobilization of internal resources, in addition to the implementation of these information exchange standards, the implementation of a legal framework is proposed, establishing an adequate framework of confidentiality and data protection between the tax administrations, in addition to guaranteeing the use effective of the data all this towards a development of capacities with the purpose of mobilizing internal resources and the fight against money laundering an improved profile of the countries greater legal certainty for companies and the financial sector.
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