Higher Education Observatory



Democratization, education, information


In the country, there is varied information about Higher Education. Some of it is systematized in documents generated by the Ministry of Education and Sciences, the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (ANEAES), and the National Council of Higher Education (CONES). Others are found in various Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) distributed throughout the Republic of Paraguay. In this context, it is important to emphasize that accessing information in an agile and timely manner is not possible, as although it exists, it is not sufficiently available for proper use in decision-making spheres at the right time, since the systematization of information at the national and regional levels is still under development. In this regard, there is a need for an observatory, which is a tool that allows for interaction and voice for the members of the involved society. Therefore, the objective of this work is to propose a model for a Higher Education Observatory at the National University of Asunción. For the development of the proposal, a bibliographic and field design will be applied at an exploratory level, which will be complemented by a descriptive level. The expected result is the observatory model, including its functions and a proposed implementation plan. In conclusion, the proposed observatory would contribute to the democratization of information and to decision-making based on good information in the field of Higher Education.


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Moyares Norchales, Y., Infante Abreu, M. B. (2016). Caracterización de los observatorios como plataformas para la gestión de la vigilancia tecnológica en el sector de la Educación Superior. Enl@ce: Revista Venezolana De Información, Tecnología Y Conocimiento, 13(1), 11-27. https://www.redalyc.org/journal/823/82346016002/html/

UNESCO. (n.d.). Perfil educativo de Paraguay. Recuperado de https://siteal.iiep.unesco.org/pais/paraguay#perfil-educacion

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How to Cite

Bernal de Macchi, M. G. (2024). Higher Education Observatory . Revista De Ciencias Empresariales, Tributarias, Comerciales Y Administrativas, 3(1), 13–21. Retrieved from https://educaciontributaria.com.py/revista/index.php/rcetca/article/view/49