Analysis of the economic and social impacts of the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices in Paraguay, 2023
regenerative agriculture, social impact, agricultural sustainability, agricultural innovation, economic impactAbstract
Regenerative Agriculture (RA) emerges as a promising strategy to address the growing pressure on natural resources and improve the food security of the population. The objective of the study is to analyze the economic and social impacts in the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices in Paraguay, 2023. A qualitative approach, cross-sectional and descriptive non-experimental design was adopted. Three interviews were carried out with experts in agronomy and the environment with emphasis on AR, through a virtual environment of approximately one hour each per trial in 2023. The data collection instrument consisted of a guide of 13 open questions. The most relevant results are: interest on the part of farmers and the agricultural community in the adoption of regenerative practices; requires large investments for infrastructure and training; Farmers recognize that sustainability is a key component for the long-term success of the sector, it is essential to have the collaboration of the government, agricultural industry, non-governmental organizations and local communities for its implementation. Likewise, among the benefits are greater efficiency in the use of resources, long-term cost reduction, opening of new markets for sustainable agricultural products, conservation of biodiversity, reduction of exposure to harmful chemicals, etc. It is concluded that AR has the potential to improve agricultural and socioeconomic sustainability in Paraguay, as well as a positive impact on the food security of all individuals.
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