Incidences of the Internal Audit for the Commercial effectiveness of Private Companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021



processes, internal audit, goals and objectives, internal control, incidents


The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of internal auditing on the commercial effectiveness of private companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021. While, as specific objectives: To describe the internal audit processes in the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of private companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021. To establish the impact of internal control measures on the level of production efficiency of private companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021. To determine the impact of the implementation of internal auditing on the fulfillment of goals, objectives and management results of private companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021. The same consisted of a field research, with a qualitative approach and through the use of the interview technique. The research was carried out during the year 2021, being the main conclusion the fact that, the internal audit was able to make the companies of the city of Encarnación, achieve in the year 2021 to reach their objectives and proposed goals, granting recommendations based on their reports or results, which allow decisions and corrective actions to be taken that at some point make the organization achieve its objectives (considering the companies that did not meet their goals).


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How to Cite

Mercado Acevedo, C. H. (2023). Incidences of the Internal Audit for the Commercial effectiveness of Private Companies in the city of Encarnación, year 2021. Revista De Ciencias Empresariales, Tributarias, Comerciales Y Administrativas, 2(1), 7–27. Retrieved from



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