Chat as a taxpayer assistance mechanism in the Tax Administration in Paraguay by 2022




SET, Chat, Taxpayer Assistance, Web, Portal, Open Government


The contributions that electronic government through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) provides to the nation include numerous training activities both online and in person, technical advisory missions, documenta- tion and dissemination of best practices, creation of networks of experts, among others. Paraguay has managed to enter the digital age by putting into operation the automation of government processes as part of citizen welfare strategies. Currently, despite the post-pandemic situation, the SET has automated online services in the relationship with taxpayers, through its electronic portal, where the taxpayer can declare taxes and update their RUC information, among other procedures, without the need to attend to the agency’s offices; the company has access to all the necessary information on internal taxes, queries and information, online complaints, publications aimed at increasing the tax culture of the company. The general objective is to propose a chat as a taxpayer assistance mechanism in the Tax Administration in Paraguay by 2022; This research will be based on the qualitative approach developed through the phenomenology method. The author concludes that the chat is an improvement tool for the interaction between the Tax Administration and the Administrator in real time, in accordance with the principles of electronic government. The SET web page would be avantgarde as it is informative, dynamic and interactive. All this achieved through the development of the Online Government policy, presenting a range of information and general guidance to people, with the purpose of facilitating the use of the service; developing the constitutional right that every person has to receive truthful and impartial information.


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How to Cite

Vergara Arzamendia , J. S. (2022). Chat as a taxpayer assistance mechanism in the Tax Administration in Paraguay by 2022. Revista De Ciencias Empresariales, Tributarias, Comerciales Y Administrativas, 1(2), 173–197.



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